# Project Manifests Project manifests live in `modules/projects/manifests/$project.pp`. A simple project manifest example: ```puppet class projects::trollin { include icu4c include phantomjs boxen::project { 'trollin': dotenv => true, elasticsearch => true, mysql => true, nginx => true, redis => true, ruby => '1.9.3', source => 'boxen/trollin' } } ``` With the above, as long as our app is configured to listen on a **socket** at `"#{ENV['BOXEN_SOCKET_DIR']}"/trollin`, you'll now be able to run its local server and visit http://trollin.dev/ to access the app in dev. Provide the full repository URL in the 'source' option when referencing code that is not hosted at github.com, such as Github Enterprise repositories. For further documentation on how to use the `boxen::project` type, take a look at the documentation in the [source](https://github.com/boxen/puppet-boxen/blob/master/manifests/project.pp#L1-L61).