#!/usr/bin/ruby # Sync binary snapshots to S3. require "pathname" require "tempfile" # Put us where we belong, in the root dir of our boxen repo. Dir.chdir Pathname.new(__FILE__).realpath + "../.." # Make sure our local dependencies are up to date. abort "Sorry, can't bootstrap." unless system "script/bootstrap" # Set up our local configuration, deps, and load path. load "config/basic.rb" require "aws-sdk" require "boxen/config" access_key = ENV["BOXEN_S3_ACCESS_KEY"] secret_key = ENV["BOXEN_S3_SECRET_KEY"] bucket_name = ENV["BOXEN_S3_BUCKET"] unless access_key && secret_key && bucket_name abort "Please set the BOXEN_S3_{ACCESS_KEY,SECRET_KEY,BUCKET} env vars." end s3 = AWS::S3.new :access_key_id => access_key, :secret_access_key => secret_key os = `sw_vers -productVersion`.strip.split(".")[0..1].join "." bucket = s3.buckets[bucket_name] config = Boxen::Config.load # Sync Homebrew packages. Dir.chdir "#{config.homedir}/homebrew/Cellar" do Dir["*/*"].each do |dir| name, version = File.split dir file = "homebrew/#{os}/#{name}-#{version}.tar.bz2" temp = Tempfile.new "homebrew" obj = bucket.objects[file] next if obj.exists? printf "Snapshotting #{name} #{version}... " $stdout.flush system "tar", "-cjf", temp.path, dir puts "done." printf "Shipping #{name} #{version} to S3... " $stdout.flush obj.write :acl => :public_read, :file => temp.path puts "done." end end # Sync rbenv rubies. Dir.chdir "#{config.homedir}/rbenv/versions" do Dir["*"].each do |dir| next if File.symlink? dir version = File.basename dir file = "rbenv/#{os}/#{version}.tar.bz2" temp = Tempfile.new "rbenv" obj = bucket.objects[file] next if obj.exists? printf "Snapshotting ruby #{version}... " $stdout.flush system "tar -cjf #{temp.path} #{version}" puts "done." printf "Shipping ruby #{version} to S3... " $stdout.flush obj.write :acl => :public_read, :file => temp.path puts "done." end end # Sync NVM nodes. Dir.chdir "#{config.homedir}/nodenv/versions" do Dir["*"].each do |dir| next if File.symlink? dir version = File.basename dir file = "nodenv/#{os}/#{version}.tar.bz2" temp = Tempfile.new "nodenv" obj = bucket.objects[file] next if obj.exists? printf "Snapshotting node.js #{version}... " $stdout.flush system "tar -cjf #{temp.path} #{version}" puts "done." printf "Shipping node.js #{version} to S3... " $stdout.flush obj.write :acl => :public_read, :file => temp.path puts "done." end end