# Our Boxen This is a template Boxen project designed for your organization to fork and modify appropriately. The Boxen rubygem and the Boxen puppet modules are only a framework for getting things done. This repository template is just a basic example of _how_ to do things with them. ## Getting Started 1. Install XCode Command Line Tools and/or full XCode. 1. Create a new repository on GitHub as your user for your Boxen. (eg. `wfarr/my-boxen`). **Make sure it is a private repository!** for now 1. Get running like so: ``` mkdir -p ~/src/my-boxen cd ~/src/my-boxen git init git remote add upstream https://github.com/boxen/our-boxen git fetch upstream git co -b master upstream/master git remote add origin https://github.com/wfarr/my-boxen git push origin master script/boxen ``` 1. Close and reopen your Terminal. If you have a shell config file (eg. `~/.bashrc`) you'll need to add this at the very end: `[ -f /opt/boxen/env.sh ] && source /opt/boxen/env.sh`, and reload your shell. 1. Confirm the Boxen env has loaded: `boxen --env` Now you have your own my-boxen repo that you can hack on. You may have noticed we didn't ask you to fork the repo. This is because when our-boxen goes open source that'd have some implications about your fork also potentially being public. That's obviously quite bad, so that's why we strongly suggest you create an entirely separate repo and simply pull the code in, as shown above. ## What You Get This template project provides the following by default: * Homebrew * Git * Hub * DNSMasq w/ .dev resolver for localhost * NVM * RBenv * Full Disk Encryption requirement * NodeJS 0.4 * NodeJS 0.6 * NodeJS 0.8 * Ruby 1.8.7 * Ruby 1.9.2 * Ruby 1.9.3 * Ack * Findutils * GNU-Tar ## Customizing You can always check out the number of existing modules we already provide as optional installs under the [boxen organization](https://github.com/boxen). These modules are all tested to be compatible with Boxen. Use the `Puppetfile` to pull them in dependencies automatically whenever `boxen` is run. You'll have to make sure your "node" (Puppet's term for your laptop, basically) includes or requires them. You can do this by either modifying `manifests/site.pp` for each module, _or_ we would generally recommend you create a module for your organization (eg. `modules/github`) and create an environment class in that. Then you need only adjust `manifests/site.pp` by doing `include github::environment` or what-have-you for your organization. For organization projects (read: repositories that people will be working in), please see the documentation in the projects module template we provide. For per-user configuration that doesn't need to be applied globally to everyone, please see the documentation in the people module template we provide.