# This is an example of the kinds of things that you can configure via hiera.
# If you've left the defaults in `/hiera.yml`, you might want to copy this file
# to `hiera/common.yaml`, or feel free to start with a blank slate!

# Have a gander at some of these examples to get an idea of some of the things
# that you can affect 'out of the box', and then customise to your
# heart's content.

# See https://github.com/boxen/puppet-ruby for docs
ruby::global::version: "2.1.0"
    ensure: v1.0.0
    source: sstephenson/rbenv-vars
    ensure: v20131225.1
    source: sstephenson/ruby-build
  2.0.0: 2.0.0-p353

# See https://github.com/boxen/puppet-java for docs
java::update_version: 51