Commit 666de9a20be6087092443d2db840d11bd68f035c

Authored by Jianwei Han
1 parent 557d795770
Exists in master

Do not update cask packages

Showing 1 changed file with 5 additions and 9 deletions Inline Diff

class people::hanjianwei::applications { 1 1 class people::hanjianwei::applications {
2 2
Package { 3
ensure => 'latest' 4
} 5
# Declare all Homebrew packages 7 3 # Declare all Homebrew packages
package { ['ack', 8 4 package { ['ack',
'qt5', 9 5 'qt5',
'reattach-to-user-namespace', 10 6 'reattach-to-user-namespace',
'tmux', 11 7 'tmux',
8 'vim',
'wget']: 12 9 'wget']:
10 ensure => 'latest'
} 13 11 }
14 12
package { 'vim': 15
install_options => ['--override-system-vi'], 16
} 17
homebrew::tap { 'homebrew/science': } 19 13 homebrew::tap { 'homebrew/science': }
-> 20 14 ->
package { 'opencv': } 21 15 package { 'opencv':
16 ensure => 'latest'
17 }
22 18
# Declare all Homebrew Cask packages 23 19 # Declare all Homebrew Cask packages
include brewcask 24 20 include brewcask
25 21
package { ['acorn', 26 22 package { ['acorn',
'alfred', 27 23 'alfred',
'atom', 28 24 'atom',
'bettertouchtool', 29 25 'bettertouchtool',
'caffeine', 30 26 'caffeine',
'cleanmymac', 31 27 'cleanmymac',
'dropbox', 32 28 'dropbox',
'evernote', 33 29 'evernote',
'fantastical', 34 30 'fantastical',
'firefox', 35 31 'firefox',
'google-chrome', 36 32 'google-chrome',
'hazel', 37 33 'hazel',
'iterm2', 38 34 'iterm2',
'karabiner', 39 35 'karabiner',
'keyboard-maestro', 40 36 'keyboard-maestro',
'mactex', 41 37 'mactex',
'omnifocus', 42 38 'omnifocus',
'onepassword', 43 39 'onepassword',
'parallels', 44 40 'parallels',
'pycharm-ce', 45 41 'pycharm-ce',
'scapple', 46 42 'scapple',
'screenflow', 47 43 'screenflow',
'scrivener', 48 44 'scrivener',
'seil', 49 45 'seil',
'shiori', 50 46 'shiori',
'trim-enabler', 51 47 'trim-enabler',
'qq', 52 48 'qq',
'qt-creator', 53 49 'qt-creator',
'vagrant', 54 50 'vagrant',
'virtualbox', 55 51 'virtualbox',
'welly', 56 52 'welly',
'xmind']: 57 53 'xmind']:
provider => 'brewcask' 58 54 provider => 'brewcask'
} 59 55 }
60 56
# Taps 61 57 # Taps
homebrew::tap { 'hanjianwei/apps': } 62 58 homebrew::tap { 'hanjianwei/apps': }
-> 63 59 ->
package { 'squirrel': 64 60 package { 'squirrel':
provider => 'brewcask' 65 61 provider => 'brewcask'
} 66 62 }
67 63
homebrew::tap { 'caskroom/fonts': } 68 64 homebrew::tap { 'caskroom/fonts': }
-> 69 65 ->
package { ['font-anonymous-pro', 70 66 package { ['font-anonymous-pro',
'font-dejavu-sans', 71 67 'font-dejavu-sans',
'font-dejavu-sans-mono-for-powerline', 72 68 'font-dejavu-sans-mono-for-powerline',
'font-inconsolata-dz-for-powerline', 73 69 'font-inconsolata-dz-for-powerline',
'font-inconsolata-for-powerline', 74 70 'font-inconsolata-for-powerline',
'font-noto-sans', 75 71 'font-noto-sans',
'font-noto-sans-s-chinese', 76 72 'font-noto-sans-s-chinese',
'font-noto-sans-t-chinese', 77 73 'font-noto-sans-t-chinese',
'font-noto-sans-japanese', 78 74 'font-noto-sans-japanese',
'font-noto-sans-korean', 79 75 'font-noto-sans-korean',
'font-noto-serif', 80 76 'font-noto-serif',
'font-roboto', 81 77 'font-roboto',
'font-sauce-code-powerline', 82 78 'font-sauce-code-powerline',
'font-source-code-pro', 83 79 'font-source-code-pro',
'font-source-sans-pro', 84 80 'font-source-sans-pro',
'font-source-serif-pro', 85 81 'font-source-serif-pro',
'font-terminus', 86 82 'font-terminus',
'font-ubuntu-mono-powerline']: 87 83 'font-ubuntu-mono-powerline']:
provider => 'brewcask' 88 84 provider => 'brewcask'
} 89 85 }
90 86
homebrew::tap { 'caskroom/versions': } 91 87 homebrew::tap { 'caskroom/versions': }
-> 92 88 ->
package { 'intellij-idea-ultimate12': 93 89 package { 'intellij-idea-ultimate12':
provider => 'brewcask' 94 90 provider => 'brewcask'
} 95 91 }
96 92
homebrew::tap { 'railwaycat/emacsmacport': } 97 93 homebrew::tap { 'railwaycat/emacsmacport': }
-> 98 94 ->
package { 'emacs-mac': 99 95 package { 'emacs-mac':
provider => 'brewcask' 100 96 provider => 'brewcask'
} 101 97 }
102 98
# Apps configuration 103 99 # Apps configuration
Package <| |> -> Dotfiles::Deploy <| |> 104 100 Package <| |> -> Dotfiles::Deploy <| |>
105 101
osx_chsh { $boxen_user: 106 102 osx_chsh { $boxen_user:
shell => '/bin/zsh' 107 103 shell => '/bin/zsh'
} 108 104 }
109 105
dotfiles::deploy { ['atom', 110 106 dotfiles::deploy { ['atom',
'bettertouchtool', 111 107 'bettertouchtool',
'emacs', 112 108 'emacs',
'git', 113 109 'git',